Monday 6 February 2012

Romney is the GOP Front-Runner; Ron Paul is Irrelevant (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | Mitt Romney won the Nevada caucus -- no great surprise there. Ron Paul placed third -- no great surprise there either. Basically, the whole lead-up to the first state in the West to vote was a nonevent.

Associated Press reported Paul's performance "may be bordering on irrelevancy," especially after the glowing expectations he painted for everyone after his Florida shellacking. In all probability, the "may be" can removed there: Ron Paul's campaign is irrelevant in the Republican Party.

But, he isn't alone.

Rick Santorum has not placed well since his win in Iowa, and even that was razor-thin. It certainly didn't help his campaign in New Hampshire since the victory was not even announced until days before the South Carolina primary. Tough luck for sure, but that happens in politics sometimes.

That leaves only former House Speaker Newt Gingrich to challenge the clear GOP front-runner. Gingrich pledged to stay in the race all the way until the Tampa, Fla., convention, assuming his supporters ante up some more money because the Gingrich campaign is broke. Perseverance like that really doesn't help the party and, I just have to believe at some point Gingrich will recognize that.

Gingrich also reminded supporters Saturday night that Ronald Reagan lost five primaries in a row before he started to win in 1976. Not the best example there; Reagan didn't win the GOP nomination in 1976.

There is no doubt Romney is the undisputed GOP front-runner. He carried every demographic group in Nevada, albeit a low turnout for even Nevada standards. ABC News reported exit polls said 57 percent of Nevada Republicans have decided who they will vote for in November, and the same percentage of those polled voted for Romney on Saturday. Republicans are beginning to coalesce behind him, and that will translate into more money, more supporters and a continued chain of primary and caucus wins.

Romney certainly isn't the most conservative of Republican candidates, but it looks like he is going to be the nominee. After three decades of allowing the religious right to drive the party to the extremes, maybe it's time for a little moderation.


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