Sunday 6 November 2011

Cain accuser breaks silence (Politico)

The attorney for one of the women who accused Herman Cain of sexual harassment said Friday that the then-National Restaurant Association CEO engaged in ?inappropriate behavior? and ?unwanted advances? that led to a cash payout in 1999.

The woman declined to reveal her identity or detail the nature of the claim.

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Accuser's attorney on complaint

Sunday hosts on Cain saga

?These complaints were resolved in an agreement with her acceptance of a monetary settlement,? said Joel Bennett, the attorney, at a news conference outside his Washington, D.C. law office.

Reading a statement he said he wrote jointly with his client, Bennett declined to say how much money his client received. POLITICO has reported it was approximately $45,000.

Bennett indicated that the woman, now a federal employee, is happy in her current job and doesn?t want to publicly recount her experience with Cain.

?[I]t would be extremely painful to do so,? said the attorney, reading the statement.

Asked directly about the nature of the harassment against the woman, Bennett said: ?Beyond what?s in the statement, she has decided not to relive the specifics of the incidents so I cannot give any further detail.?

He did, however, say his client endured multiple encounters with Cain.

Questioned about Cain?s denials this week that he harassed the woman, Bennett said: ?Those statements are inaccurate factually.?

He added: ?Mr. Cain knows the specific incidents that were alleged. My client filed a written complaint in 1999 against him specifically and it had very specific incidents in it and if he chose to not remember or not acknowledge those, that?s his issue.?

The attorney said they had not asked the restaurant trade group to strike the non-disclosure language from her settlement, only to let him make the approved-upon statement.

In their own statement, the restaurant association confirmed that the woman ?filed a formal internal complaint? and that Cain disputed the charges.

?The Association and Mr. Bennett?s client subsequently entered into an agreement to resolve the matter, without any admission of liability,? said Dawn Sweeney, the group?s current CEO. ?Mr. Cain was not a party to that agreement. The agreement contains mutual confidentiality obligations. Notwithstanding the Association?s ongoing policy of maintaining the privacy of all personnel matters, we have advised Mr. Bennett that we are willing to waive the confidentiality of this matter and permit Mr. Bennett?s client to comment.?

Cain, seeking to move past a story that has engulfed his campaign this week, released a statement that made no mention of the issue at hand.

?We look forward to focusing our attention on the real issues impacting this country, like fixing this broken economy and putting Americans back to work through our ?9-9-9? plan, as well as strengthening national security,? said Cain spokesman J.D. Gordon.


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