Sunday 30 October 2011

Magnitude-6.9 quake shakes Peru's coast (AP)

LIMA, Peru ? A magnitude-6.9 earthquake centered off Peru's central coast sent people running panicked into the streets Friday in cities badly damaged by a killer quake four years earlier. There were no reports of damage though hospital directors reported at least 20 injuries.

People who had lost loved ones and homes in the earlier quake were badly shaken and some broke into tears.

"It felt like the one in 2007 because it was very strong," Felix Sihuas told RPP radio. He said he was buried under rubble for six hours in the Aug. 15, 2007, quake, which killed 596 people and largely destroyed the town of Pisco.

Friday's quake was considerably less violent in Lima, a city of 8.5 million people. The capital shook for about 30 seconds in a series of moderate, swaying movements.

Several aftershocks followed with magnitudes up to 5.5, said the U.S. Geological Survey.

It said Friday's quake was centered 31 miles (51 kilometers) south-southwest of Ica, a provincial capital of about 200,000 people which suffered widespread damage in the 2007 quake. It was at a depth of 21.7 miles (35 kilometers).

The directors of two hospitals in Ica told RPP that 20 people were treated for non life-threatening injuries including two for broken bones.

Peru's government-run Institute of Geophysics put the quake's magnitude at 6.7 and put its depth at 19 miles (30 kilometers). The USGS said the killer 2007 quake was centered 24 miles (39 kilometers) deep.

A seismologist at the institute, Hernan Tavera, told RPP the 2007 quake released 33 times more energy than Friday's temblor but this time " the radius of action was far wider."

"There was panic, a lot of panic," said Ruben Vargas, a police official in Ica, which is flanked by asparagus fields and vineyards that produce wine and the liquor pisco.

Vargas said that many people were still in the streets nearly a half hour after the 1:54 p.m. (18:54 GMT) quake. "Little by little people are calming down but they're still outside their homes," he added.

In Pisco, police officer Julio Lopez said people were spooked though the quake wasn't nearly as bad as the 2007 temblor.

"It wasn't like the last time. It was shorter," said Jorge Luis Yupanqui, 30, from Pisco. "Some people started to cry."

He said there was a big traffic jam in Pisco because he, like many others, went home to make sure his family and home were safe.

About 40,000 homes were destroyed in the 2007 quake and the previous government of President Alan Garcia was widely criticized for the slow pace of reconstruction.


Associated Press writers Martin Villena and Carla Salazar contributed to this report.


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Insects are scared to death of fish

ScienceDaily (Oct. 27, 2011) ? The mere presence of a predator causes enough stress to kill a dragonfly, even when the predator cannot actually get at its prey to eat it, say biologists at the University of Toronto.

"How prey respond to the fear of being eaten is an important topic in ecology, and we've learned a great deal about how these responses affect predator and prey interactions," says Professor Locke Rowe, chair of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) and co-principal investigator of a study conducted at U of T's Koffler Scientific Reserve.

"As we learn more about how animals respond to stressful conditions -- whether it's the presence of predators or stresses from other natural or human-caused disruptions -- we increasingly find that stress brings a greater risk of death, presumably from things such as infections that normally wouldn't kill them," says Rowe.

Shannon McCauley, a post-doctoral fellow, and EEB professors Marie-Jos?e Fortin and Rowe raised juvenile dragonfly larvae (Leucorrhinia intacta) in aquariums or tanks along with their predators. The two groups were separated so that while the dragonflies could see and smell their predators, the predators could not actually eat them.

"What we found was unexpected -- more of the dragonflies died when predators shared their habitat," says Rowe. Larvae exposed to predatory fish or aquatic insects had survival rates 2.5 to 4.3 times less than those not exposed.

In a second experiment, 11 per cent of larvae exposed to fish died as they attempted to metamorphose into their adult stage, compared to only two per cent of those growing in a fish-free environment. "We allowed the juvenile dragonflies to go through metamorphosis to become adult dragonflies, and found those that had grown up around predators were more likely to fail to complete metamorphosis successfully, more often dying in the process," says Rowe.

The scientists suggest that their findings could apply to all organisms facing any amount of stress, and that the experiment could be used as a model for future studies on the lethal effects of stress.

The research is described in a paper titled "The deadly effects of 'nonlethal' predators," published in Ecology and highlighted in Nature this week. It was supported by grants to Fortin and Rowe from the Canada Research Chairs program and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and a post-doctoral fellowship awarded to McCauley.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Toronto.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Shannon J. McCauley, Locke Rowe, Marie-Jos?e Fortin. The deadly effects of ?nonlethal? predators. Ecology, 2011; 92 (11): 2043 DOI: 10.1890/11-0455.1

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Saturday 29 October 2011

Bus driver-turned-militant takes on Pakistan again (Reuters)

NOWSHERA, Pakistan (Reuters) ? When Pakistan's military launched an offensive in the Khyber tribal region in 2008, it promised residents they would soon be free of a reign of terror imposed by Islamist militants.

But many of the thousands who fled are still too scared to return, and new refugees have been escaping in large numbers as the military again cracks down on those same militants after repeated attacks on security forces and pro-government tribes.

"This is a search operation in a limited area within Khyber Agency to locate and eliminate militant hideouts," a military official told Reuters.

"The situation was becoming unacceptable."

Pakistan needs a tight grip on Khyber.

One of the main supply routes for U.S.-led NATO forces in Afghanistan runs through the area, a wedge of tan-colored mountains sandwiched between the city of Peshawar and the Afghan border.

People who moved to the Jalozai camp in the nearby town of Nowshera told Reuters about 20,000 had fled since the latest operation began on Friday. Over 200 people were killed and about 40 villages destroyed, residents who fled said.

Khyber's history, and its current troubles, highlight the complexities of trying to stabilize Pakistan.

It is one of seven ethnic Pashtun tribal districts that straddle the porous border with Afghanistan and have never come under the full control of any government -- ideal places for militancy to thrive.

The Pakistani Taliban, the biggest security threat to the U.S.-backed government, is not the main problem in Khyber.

The man causing trouble is Mangal Bagh, a former bus driver turned warlord who heads a relatively small militia called Lashkar-e-Islam, which seeks to apply sharia, or Islamic law.

Residents recalled how he slowly started to impose his austere views years ago, while the military took little notice.

"People who they catch working for the government are beheaded and the deaths are announced by loudspeaker so everyone knows it is coming," said tribal elder Mir Akbar, as children in dirty plastic sandals looked on in the sprawling camp of white tents.

Tribesmen say they are forced to go to Bagh's people to settle disputes and are forced to pay taxes to them in cash, vehicles, weapons or food.

"The tribes are required to either send members of the family for certain periods of time to serve with Lashkar-e-Islam. Those who cannot afford to send male members must pay so they can hire fighters in their place," said a tribesman.

A similar situation arose in Pakistan's Swat region to the northeast. Taliban militants led by Maulvi Fazlullah fought the government for years and gradually imposed his radical rule.

The Taliban eventually capitalized on a truce with the government and took control of the valley of over one million, before being driven out by an army offensive in 2009.

Fazlullah regrouped across the border in Afghanistan and is now seen as a security threat again.


At Jalozai, displaced Khyber residents believe Bagh and his fighters will also melt away in Afghanistan if he needs to.

Islamabad has come under immense pressure to crack down on militants since U.S. special forces killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in a unilateral raid in a Pakistani town in May, where he had apparently spent years.

But the army says it has its hands full fighting the Pakistani Taliban and can't possibly go after all militants at once.

So Bagh and his men -- who hang black flags on their turf -- could gain breathing space if the military is distracted elsewhere.

People like Syed Marjan remain on edge in Jalozai, originally set up in the 1980s for Afghans fleeing war in their country.

"They kidnapped my brother because he is a soldier. They said they would kill him unless he quit the army," he said.

Lashkar-e-Islam (Army of Islam) has several enemies, including the Pakistani Taliban, local warlords and tribes which the government has recruited to fight militants.

But residents say it's the most dangerous player in Khyber and acted with impunity for years. Lashkar-e-Islam first raised concerns when it began making forays into the provincial capital Peshawar to impose their Taliban-style ways.

Bagh's men kidnapped people, attacked music and video shops and ordered barbers to stop shaving men's beards in line with hardline Taliban edicts.

"If they think you gamble or drink, they just execute you in a public square and everyone has to watch," said Fazal Azim, 25, a laborer. "They announce it in mosques."

(Additional reporting by Qasim Nauman in Islamabad; Editing by Nick Macfie)


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Friday 28 October 2011

Obama wraps up 3-day Western tour (AP)

DENVER ? President Barack Obama is wrapping up a three-day tour through crucial political states, searching for votes and money and unveiling executive steps to prime the economy even as his jobs bill struggles in Congress.

Obama held six fundraisers, including star-studded events in Los Angeles. He gathered backers in Denver and Las Vegas, urging them to find energy for the 2012 campaign. And he coined a new slogan ? "We can't wait" ? to draw distinctions with congressional Republicans who oppose his $447 billion economic plan.

On Wednesday, at the University of Colorado's Denver campus, he will highlight a new initiative to make it easier for graduates to repay their student loans. He earlier announced a mortgage refinancing program and on Tuesday the White House announced new steps to help veterans.


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Europe bailout fund chief sees no quick China deal (Reuters)

BEIJING (Reuters) ? The head of Europe's bailout fund said Friday he does not expect to reach a conclusive deal with Chinese leaders during a visit to Beijing but expects the surplus-rich country to continue buying bonds issued by the fund.

Klaus Regling, chief executive of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), said the bailout deal with Greece was an exceptional case and he saw no need to repeat it for other nations.

"We all know China has a particular need to invest surpluses," he said at a news conference, referring to the country's foreign exchange reserves of $3.2 trillion -- the world's biggest stockpile.

China has been a regular buyer of bonds issued by the EFSF and analysts estimate about a quarter of its reserves are held in euro-denominated assets.

Regling was in Beijing just a day after euro zone leaders struck a last-minute deal to contain the bloc's debt crisis that has undermined financial markets globally on fears that it could drag the global economy into another recession.

European leaders are now under pressure to finalize the details of their plan to slash Greece's debt burden and strengthen their efforts to revive the zone.

Regling was due to meet officials from China's central bank and finance ministry Friday. While China has surplus cash, Regling said he is in contact with sovereign funds globally.

He said the EFSF was designing new investment instruments and testing models to scale up the fund. He wanted to hear how the fund could structure investments that would attract capital, he said.

The 440-billion-euro EFSF was set up last year and has already been used to provide aid to Portugal, Ireland and Greece.

After the Brussels summit, governments announced a deal under which private banks and insurers would accept 50 percent losses on their Greek debt holdings and hard-hit European banks would be recapitalized. Regling said Tier-1 capital at large European banks would be raised temporarily to 9 percent.

They also said the EFSF would be leveraged to give it firepower of some 1 trillion euros to put a safety net under bigger euro zone states, such as Spain and Italy and prevent them from being swept up by the crisis.

European officials have said the leverage would be achieved either by offering insurance to buyers of euro zone debt in the primary market or via a new special purpose investment vehicle that it hopes would draw funds from China and Brazil, among other countries.

Beijing has not said publicly it would invest in the fund, although it has repeatedly expressed confidence that Europe can overcome its two-year-old debt crisis.

"I think the EFSF can offer a good product that is commercially interesting," Regling said, adding that China should be assured that the EFSF's triple-A rating is solid.

When asked if China was asking for any special concessions in return for its support, Regling said Beijing hadn't done so.

"When they buy our bonds, they buy the same bonds as everybody buys," he said. "There is no special deal and so it is normal conditions and we published those conditions on our website."

Chinese President Hu Jintao said China hoped the measures agreed in Brussels would help stabilize the euro zone.

Chinese leaders have a major interest in Europe's fortunes because the euro bloc is China's biggest export market. Growth in September exports to the euro zone ran at less than half the rate of August, underlining concern that the region may already be in recession.

Analysts had said they expected China to maintain an investment strategy in Europe that focuses on specific countries and specific assets.

That would support its attempts to diversify foreign exchange reserves and also make it easier to negotiate concessions on its investments.

(Reporting by Aileen Wang and Koh Gui Qing; Writing by Kevin Yao; Editing by Ken Wills)


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Thursday 27 October 2011

Blood proteins predict survival in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, team finds

ScienceDaily (Oct. 25, 2011) ? A panel of blood proteins can predict which patients with the progressive lung disease idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) are likely to live at least five years or to die within two years, say researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Centocor R&D.

The findings, published online last week in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, could help doctors determine those patients in imminent need of a lung transplant and those who can wait a while longer.

Fifty percent of IPF patients die within three years of diagnosis, but others will do well for long periods of time, explained investigator Naftali Kaminski, M.D., professor of medicine, pathology, human genetics and computational biology, Pitt School of Medicine, and director, The Dorothy P. & Richard P. Simmons Center for Interstitial Lung Disease at UPMC. In the disease, breathing becomes increasingly impaired as the lungs progressively scar.

"It's hard to tell based on symptoms alone which patients are in the greatest danger," Dr. Kaminski said. "This biomarker panel has predictive power that can guide our treatment plan. It may also help us design more effective research trials because we'll be able to better match experimental therapies with the most appropriate patients."

The research team collected blood samples from 241 IPF patients. They measured the levels of 92 candidate proteins in 140 patients and found that higher concentrations of five particular proteins that are produced by the breakdown of lung tissue predicted poor survival, transplant-free survival and progression-free survival regardless of age, sex and baseline pulmonary function. They then confirmed the results in a second group of 101 patients.

Based on both groups, the investigators developed the personal clinical and molecular mortality prediction index (PCMI) that incorporates the gender, lung functions and levels of one of the proteins, called MMP7, in the blood. Patients with a low PCMI were more likely to live more than 5 years while the median survival for patients with high PCMI scores was 1.5 years.

"This indicates that these blood biomarker levels are not just a reflection of current severity of the lung disease, but they are predictive of impending death," said lead author Thomas Richards, Ph.D., assistant professor of medicine and head of the Simmons Center biostatistics team.

"They have the potential to greatly improve our treatment strategies for IPF, in part by showing us which patients have the most urgent need for lung transplant, which is currently the only cure for the disease," added senior author Kevin Gibson, M.D., medical director of the Simmons Center.

"These findings provide proof of the concept of personalized medicine. " noted Mark T. Gladwin, M.D., chief, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. "We can use a combination of biological and clinical markers to determine the very best care for each patient.

Drs. Kaminski, Gibson and colleagues have research projects underway to better understand how the biomarkers change over time.

The team includes Kathleen O. Lindell, Ph.D., R.N., and others at the Simmons Center and Pitt School of Medicine, as well as researchers from Centocor R & D in Radnor, Pa.

Study results will be presented by Dr. Kaminski at the IPF session of the Pittsburgh International Lung Conference on Personalized Medicine of Lung Disease at 2:30 p.m. on October 28 and 29 at the Holiday Inn Pittsburgh University Center.

The project was funded by the National Institutes of Health, Centocor, and the Dorothy P. and Richard P. Simmons Endowed Chair for Pulmonary Research.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. T. J. Richards, N. Kaminski, F. Baribaud, S. Flavin, C. Brodmerkel, D. Horowitz, K. Li, J. Choi, L. J. Vuga, K. O. Lindell, M. Klesen, Y. Zhang, K. F. Gibson. Peripheral Blood Proteins Predict Mortality in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2011; DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201101-0058OC

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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F-15 crashes north of Las Vegas; no injuries

(AP) ? An Air Force fighter jet crashed in a sparsely populated part of southern Nevada on Monday, but the pilot was able to eject from the aircraft and didn't suffer any injuries, authorities said.

The F-15C Eagle from Nellis Air Force Base crashed on federal land northwest of Alamo, Nev., said Lt. Ken Lustig, an Air Force spokesman. Alamo is about 100 miles north of Las Vegas.

Lincoln County Sheriff Kerry Lee said a citizen reported seeing a large explosion and fireball west of U.S. Highway 93 shortly after 4 p.m. Deputies made their way over rough terrain and through a ranch toward the plume of smoke about five miles from the highway, he said.

"It was out in the desert, really hard to get to," Lee said. When deputies arrived, they found a debris field about 100 yards long.

"It didn't look like the plane slammed into the ground," the sheriff said. "There was a lot of the plane left, but it burned up."

The pilot had started walking and was picked up by a military helicopter about 30 minutes after the crash, Lee said. He was flown to Mike O'Callaghan Federal Hospital near Las Vegas for an examination that revealed no injuries, Lustig said.

Lustig didn't have any details about the nature of the flight and couldn't say whether the jet that crashed was accompanied by other aircraft.

An investigation into the cause of the crash was already under way Monday night, Lustig said.

Associated Press


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Tuesday 25 October 2011

Automotive Valeting: Making Your Used Automotive Look Like New ...

You simply purchased your very own car from the used automobile lot. Although it might not be much to look at, it?s important to think about that it?s an used car. You can?t actually look forward to finding something that sparkling and glossy in an used automotive lot would you?

Anyway, you bought the car for a cut price and that is actually enough for you. You?ve an automotive that?s in working situation which will be able to take you wherever you want to go and it drives actually nice. The one drawback is, is that it misplaced that once wonderful paint that you just see before your eyes. You realize that it could possibly be higher wanting but you just do not have the money to refinish the car paint as well as substitute the leathers on the seats. You even have that injury on the chrome and very dusty and soiled interior as well as carpets that will make your mom take the bus as an alternative of using in your car.

Nevertheless, have you ever ever thought that there?s a technique to make your automotive appear to be new without spending a lot of money?

With automotive valeting or detailing services, you will see that your automotive will regain its once model new look. Although the condition of the engine in addition to the mechanical elements won?t work as it had earlier than when it was model new, you need to contemplate that it will be in a position to appear like new and look as if it just came out of the showroom.

No matter car you bought in the used automotive lot, you will notice that professionals working for car detailing or valeting services will have the ability to provide you with quality service and do their best to make your car stand out from the rest.

Automobile detailing or valeting is the observe of extraordinarily totally cleansing of an automobile. It won?t solely contain washing the car and waxing the outside and hand sprucing it with chamois, however it would contain a number of procedures to really make your automotive look as if it is ready for an automobile show. In truth, most people with traditional automobile don?t dare clean the automobile themselves. What they do is take the automobile to auto detailing or valeting corporations to get it cleaned and get that show high quality level of cleanliness and detail.

In automotive detailing or valeting, cleansing the exterior will contain claying, sprucing and waxing. Claying is used to take away any contamination in the paint reminiscent of highway grime, tar, dried bugs, tree sap and even paint that was sprayed over the unique paint. Claying is basically getting your automobile ready for waxing and polishing.

Within the interior of the car, cleaning will involve vacuuming, brushing and utilizing shampoos and other liquid cleaners for the seats and carpets.

Should you really want the complete service, most automobile detailing or valeting companies will even recondition the leather seats and carpets to look as if it is model new.

The tires aren?t even left out. They will apply a chemical that may make the tire look blacker and cleaner

The engine will even be cleaned. It is going to be rid of dirt and grease and actually present the element of the engine.

When you desire a clear automobile, then you will see that automobile detailing or valeting companies will be able to offer you the companies that can definitely exceed your expectations with out spending too much money.

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The FBI Announces Gangs Have Infiltrated Every ... - Business Insider

The FBI has released a new gang assessment announcing that there are 1.4 million gang members in the US, a 40 percent increase since 2009, and that many of these members are getting inside the military (via Stars and Stripes).

The report says the military has seen members from 53 gangs and 100 regions in the U.S. enlist in every branch of the armed forces. Members of every major street gang, some prison gangs, and outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMGs) have been reported on both U.S. and international military installations.

From the report:

Through transfers and deployments, military-affiliated gang members expand their culture and operations to new regions nationwide and worldwide, undermining security and law enforcement efforts to combat crime. Gang members with military training pose a unique threat to law enforcement personnel because of their distinctive weapons and combat training skills and their ability to transfer these skills to fellow gang members.

The report notes that while gang members have been reported in every branch of service, they are concentrated in the U.S. Army, Army Reserves, and the Army National Guard.

Many street gang members join the military to escape the gang lifestyle or as an alternative to incarceration, but often revert back to their gang associations once they encounter other gang members in the military. Other gangs target the U.S. military and defense systems to expand their territory, facilitate criminal activity such as weapons and drug trafficking, or to receive weapons and combat training that they may transfer back to their gang. Incidents of weapons theft and trafficking may have a negative impact on public safety or pose a threat to law enforcement officials.

The FBI points out that many gangs, especially the bikers, actively recruit members with military training and advise young members with no criminal record to join the service for weapon access and combat experience.

The full assessment is definitely worth checking out, if only for the pictures.


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Sunday 23 October 2011

Argentine president wins landslide re-election

Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez greets supporters after voting in general elections in Rio Gallegos, Argentina, Sunday Oct. 23, 2011. Fernandez appeared to be headed for a landslide victory over six rivals as Argentines voted on Sunday. If she does win, she'll be the first woman re-elected as president in Latin America. (AP Photo/Francisco Munoz)

Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez greets supporters after voting in general elections in Rio Gallegos, Argentina, Sunday Oct. 23, 2011. Fernandez appeared to be headed for a landslide victory over six rivals as Argentines voted on Sunday. If she does win, she'll be the first woman re-elected as president in Latin America. (AP Photo/Francisco Munoz)

In this picture released by the Argentine press office, Argentina's president Cristina Fernandez shakes hands with supporters after voting at a nearby polling station during general elections in Rio Gallegos, Argentina, Sunday Oct. 23, 2011. Fernandez appeared to be headed for a landslide victory over six rivals as Argentines voted on Sunday. If she does win, she'll be the first woman re-elected as president in Latin America. (AP Photo/Argentine Press Office)

A voter casts his ballot in the general elections in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sunday Oct. 23, 2011. Incumbent President Cristina Fernandez appeared to be headed for a landslide victory over six rivals as Argentines voted on Sunday. If she does win, she'll be the first woman re-elected as president in Latin America. (AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano)

A voter searches the electoral rolls for her name at a polling station during the general elections in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sunday Oct. 23, 2011. Incumbent President Cristina Fernandez appeared to be headed for a landslide victory over six rivals as Argentines voted on Sunday. If she does win, she'll be the first woman re-elected as president in Latin America. (AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano)

A voter casts his ballot in the general election in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sunday, Oct. 23, 2011. Incumbent President Cristina Fernandez appeared to be headed for a landslide victory over six rivals as Argentines voted on Sunday. If she does win, she'll be the first woman re-elected as president in Latin America. (AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano)

(AP) ? President Cristina Fernandez, buoyed by Argentina's booming economy, was re-elected by a landslide Sunday.

Exit polls predicted Fernandez would end up with 54 percent to 55 percent of the vote, putting her far ahead of her closest rival in the biggest presidential victory since Argentina's democracy was restored three decades ago.

The victory makes Fernandez the first woman re-elected as president in Latin America. But it is bittersweet for her personally. It's the first in a lifetime of politics for the populist leader without her husband and predecessor, Nestor Kirchner, who died of a heart attack last Oct. 27.

Her voice almost broke earlier in the day when she spoke about this legacy, describing a mixture of pride and sorrow after casting her ballot in his hometown, the remote Patagonian city of Rio Gallegos.

"In this world where they have criticized us so forcefully, all this makes me feel very proud, that we're on the right track," she said. Kirchner "would be very content."

Fernandez could have won with as little as 40 percent of the vote if none of her rivals came within 10 percentage points of her. In the end, exit polls published in Argentine media indicated she would win with a margin of about 40 points over socialist Gov. Hermes Binner, the closest of six rival candidates.

Her Front for Victory coalition hoped to regain enough seats in Congress to form new alliances and regain the control it lost in 2009. At play were 130 seats in the lower house and 24 in the Senate.

Fernandez's poll numbers had dipped during the early years of her presidency, but she reversed the negatives as a widow, softening her usually combative tone and proving her ability to govern on her own by ensuring loyalty or respect from an unruly political elite.

Many voters polled beforehand said they were backing her because their financial situations have improved as Argentina enjoys one of its longest spells of economic growth in history.

While official results were not expected until hours after polls closed Sunday night, Fernandez appeared to have won a larger share of votes than any president since Argentina's democracy was restored in 1983, when Raul Alfonsin was elected with 52 percent. She would still trail her strongman hero, Juan Domingo Peron, who won with 60 percent and 63 percent in his last two elections.

Fernandez, 58, chose her youthful, guitar-playing, long-haired economy minister, Amado Boudou, as her running mate. Together, the pair championed Argentina's approach to the global financial crisis: Increase government spending rather than impose austerity measures, and force investors in foreign debt to suffer before ordinary citizens.

Boudou was waiting for official results before declaring victory. Well after the polls closed, he tweeted: "Thanks to all the Argentines for this day of celebration, without violance and with love for the country. Now, to await the results."

Argentina has been closed off from most international lending since declaring its world-record debt default in 2001, but has been able to sustain booming growth ever since.

The country faces tough challenges in 2012, however. Its commodities exports are vulnerable to a global recession, and economic growth is forecast to slow sharply in the coming year. Declining revenues will make it harder to raise incomes to keep up with inflation. Argentina's central bank is under pressure to spend reserves to maintain the peso's value against the dollar, while also guarding against currency shocks that could threaten Argentina's all-important trade with Brazil.

Boudou could now win attention as a potential successor to Fernandez, but navigating these storms will require much skill and good fortune.

Opposition candidates blamed Fernandez for rising inflation and increasing crime and accused her of politically manipulating economic data and trying to use government power to quell media criticism.

They also said the government was failing to prepare Argentina for another global economic crisis.

"It's not clear where the world is headed. It's better to be prepared. This isn't achieved with conflict, but through dialogue," Binner said as he voted.

The exit polls said Binner, 68, a doctor and governor of Santa Fe province was followed by Ricardo Alfonsin, 59, a lawyer and congressional deputy with the traditional Radical Civic Union party and son of the former president, in third place; Alberto Rodriguez Saa, 52, an attorney and governor of San Luis province whose brother Adolfo was president for a week, in fourth; and Eduardo Duhalde, who preceded Kirchner as president, in fifth.

Trailing behind them were leftist former lawmaker Jorge Altamira, 69, and Elisa Carrio 54, a congresswoman who came in second behind Fernandez four years ago.

Voting is obligatory in Argentina, and nearly 29 million citizens among the 40 million population were registered.

Fernandez said Interior Minister Florencio Randazzo, who is responsible for managing the election process, told her that turnout was strong and everything was going smoothly.

"I've been a political activist my whole life, but I haven't always been able to vote," Fernandez said, referring to the 1966-1973 and 1976-1983 dictatorships, which tried and failed to eliminate Peronism as an electoral force. "To be able to vote freely in the Argentine republic is an achievement."


Michael Warren can be reached at

Associated Press


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How the poll was conducted (AP)

The Associated Press-GfK Poll on the Wall Street protests and political emotions was conducted by GfK Roper Public Affairs & Corporate Communications from Oct. 13-17. It is based on landline and cellphone telephone interviews with a nationally representative random sample of 1,000 adults, including 384 respondents who said they were supporters of the Wall Street protests. Interviews were conducted with 700 respondents on landline telephones and 300 on cellular phones.

Digits in the phone numbers dialed were generated randomly to reach households with unlisted and listed landline and cellphone numbers.

Interviews were conducted in both English and Spanish.

As is done routinely in surveys, results were weighted, or adjusted, to ensure that responses accurately reflect the population's makeup by factors such as age, sex, education and race. In addition, the weighting took into account patterns of phone use ? landline only, cell only and both types ? by region.

No more than one time in 20 should chance variations in the sample cause the results to vary by more than plus or minus 4 percentage points from the answers that would be obtained if all adults in the U.S. were polled. The margin of sampling error for those supporting the Wall Street protests was plus or minus 6.5 percentage points.

There are other sources of potential error in polls, including the wording and order of questions.

The questions and results are available at


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Saturday 22 October 2011

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Friday 21 October 2011

Morales scraps Bolivia road plan

Bolivia's President Evo Morales has scrapped plans for a road project in the Amazon that had triggered protests by indigenous people.

Mr Morales said the road would no longer go through a rainforest reserve.

He made the announcement two days after protesters arrived in La Paz following a two-month march from the Amazon lowlands to voice their opposition.

It is not yet clear what the demonstrators' response will be.

The president said he would send a measure to Congress that would accommodate the protesters' demands.

"The matter is resolved," Mr Morales said.

An indigenous leader, Rafael Quispe, said the president's proposal was a "good sign" but said they had 15 other demands that needed to be discussed, the Spanish news agency Efe reported.

President Morales had been under fire ever since he announced his government's plan to build the road, no matter what, says the BBC's Mattia Cabitza in La Paz.

This is the second time in less than a year that Mr Morales has backtracked under popular pressure, our correspondent adds.

The last time, just after Christmas, was dubbed the "Gasolinazo", when he tried to almost double petrol prices but was forced to drop the plan. Then, like today, he said he was "governing by obeying the people".

Development - or disaster?

Thousands of residents were on the streets of La Paz this week as some 1,000 protesters arrived to call for the project to be stopped.

The government had argued that the road would boost economic development and regional integration.

The protesters said the project - funded by Brazil and built by a Brazilian company - would encourage illegal settlement and deforestation in their rainforest homeland.

The plans were for a highway through the Isiboro Secure Indigenous Territory and National Park - known by its Spanish acronym Tipnis.

President Morales, Bolivia's first indigenous president, had already suspended the project and offered talks with the protesters.

However, there were also demonstrations in support of the road project from indigenous groups that are loyal to the president.


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News Corp key shareholders mull ditching Murdoch board (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) ? A growing number of News Corp shareholders with voting rights are considering sending a strong message of discontent to Chief Executive Rupert Murdoch by voting against several long-standing board members including his sons James and Lachlan.

In the run up to Friday's annual general meeting, holders of News Corp B stock, including normally compliant supporters of Murdoch and his family, are closely examining recommendations by proxy advisory groups ISS and Glass Lewis to vote out as many as 13 of the media conglomerate's current 15 directors.

"Ninety-nine percent of the time we vote with Glass Lewis on these kind of matters," said Donald Yacktman, president and co-chief investment officer of Yacktman Asset Management Co in Austin, Texas.

Glass Lewis specifically recommended their fund clients withhold their votes for six directors including James and Lachlan Murdoch along with other News Corp insiders David Devoe, chief financial officer, and Arthur Siskind, a senior adviser to Murdoch.

While most major shareholders declined to comment publicly on their specific voting strategy, several said privately that the proxy advisory groups' comments would be an important factor in their decision. It follows the high profile and damaging fallout from the phone hacking scandal at News Corp's now defunct British paper News of the World.

The scandal has rocked the parent of Fox TV, the Wall Street Journal and the Sun in Britain, and raised serious questions about the leadership of News Corp's 80-year-old founder Rupert Murdoch. It has also undermined an unspoken succession plan once thought to involve one of his children.


After the furor of the last few months, this year's shareholder meeting is being more carefully stage-managed than in recent years, with only a strict and limited number of shareholders able to attend the meeting at the Zanuck Theater on the Fox Studios lot in Hollywood by using News Corp-provided transportation.

Simon Burge, Chief Investment Officer at Above the Index Asset Management, a top 20 investor in News Corp's Australian shares, said the fund would vote against James and Lachlan Murdoch, but declined to comment on whether it was voting against Rupert.

"We should vote as we see fit, but we need to acknowledge that all the resolutions are highly likely to pass, given that the family controls approximately 40 percent of the voting stock," Burge said.

But he added it would be silly to vote against 13 out of 15 directors as suggested by ISS. "If you vote against them all, you wouldn't have a board. Then you'd really have a governance problem," Burge said.

Ausbil Dexia, the biggest holder of News Corp's Australian stock, declined to comment on how it would vote.

"We do note there are some concerns there. We analyze what they have to say. We don't always agree with what they have to say," said Ausbil Dexia managing director Paul Xiradis, adding that the fund took its concerns directly to the company.

News Corp declined to comment.

The phone hacking scandal saw the company lose out on its biggest ever deal to buy the 61 percent of satellite broadcaster BSkyB it does not already own, and the arrest of nearly 20 former staffers and executives in Britain has given even strong Murdoch supporters pause for thought.

"This is one of those meetings that galvanizes shareholders to have a closer look," said a senior person at one proxy advisory group not permitted to talk about a specific case.

Major pension fund holders and advisory services including CalPERS and CalSTRS in the United States, Hermes Equity Ownership in Britain and Australian Council of Superannuation Investors in Australia have come out against the Murdoch-controlled board with similar criticism of poor corporate governance and the need for a board shake-up.

Yet even though the rumbling of dissent is growing it is unlikely to have an immediate impact on the board's membership. Murdoch and his family control 40 percent of the voting stock with the next largest B shareholder being Saudi Prince Al Waleed with 7 percent. The prince has publicly thrown his support behind Murdoch making it even more unlikely that Murdoch or his family could be shifted.

But proxy watchers and shareholders said they'd be paying attention to the percentage of the vote of non-Murdoch affiliated B shareholders. If support for key board members drops significantly below the usual 90 to 99 percent range it could be a damaging signal for Murdoch.

"No one realistically expects any director to be voted off the board at the AGM," said a person at a British proxy advisory firm. "What will be closely watched is whether a majority of the non-Murdoch vote is cast against key board directors. If that happens it will be an indication of major shareholder unease."

News Corp and Murdoch are sensitive to suggestions of poor corporate governance and overpaying management. The company hit back against criticism saying it "vehemently disagrees" with ISS proposals. But the company acknowledged the phone hacking scandal could affect the wider business' operations.

In a letter to shareholders last week, News Corp pointed to its strong performance despite the difficult global economy. Revenue rose 2 percent to $33.4 billion in the year ended on June 30, while operating profit increased 23 percent to $4.85 billion.

(Reporting by Yinka Adegoke and Herb Lash in New York; Sinead Cruise in London and Sonali Paul in Melbourne; editing Bernard Orr and Mark Bendeich)


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Monday 3 October 2011

Occupy Wall Street: Why So Many Demands for Demands? (The Nation)

The Nation -- Everybody has a piece of advice for the protesters at Occupy Wall Street. They should put their clothes on. They should stop raising their fists. They should fact-check their handwritten signs. They should appoint leaders who can give pithy quotes to reporters. They should get with an electoral program. Nicholas Kristof even offered to help them out with a neat list of demands, in case those holding signs saying ?We Are the 99 %? just needed to have the unfairness of the carried interest rule explained to them.

Indeed, their failure to present demands is the most frequently heard criticism of the OWS protesters, not just in the mainstream press but from veteran leftists as well.? What do these wan, angry young people want, anyway?

If you spend an hour or two down at Liberty Plaza, as I did with my eight-year-old daughter this past weekend, it?s clear enough. She got the point, at least: especially from the signs that read, ?You should teach your kids to share,? and, ?Give my mom her money back!! A single working mom?not fair!??

It?s not that the demands being suggested by OWS?s volunteer policy advisors in the blogosphere are not worthy ideas. At a time when we desperately need to rein in financial speculation and change the incentives on Wall Street, a financial transactions tax is a terrific policy proposal. ?Dean Baker has been talking about it for years. ?The thing is, we on the left don?t have a scarcity of policy ideas. We are positively bursting with them. Create a housing trust fund! ?A national infrastructure bank! And, yes, sure, eliminate the carried interest loophole so fat cats don?t get a bigger tax break than working people. (Some even have more radical ideas, which are quite sensible too.) But at best, we get a polite hearing for these ideas, which then fade away or are hopelessly watered down. We simply lack the power to put them into practice.???

And in the recent past, even the most smoothly organized, expertly messaged mass demonstrations have not made a whit of difference in this regard. Consider the last big march on Wall Street this past May 12. The coalition behind it was admirably diverse, including unions like the teachers and SEIU?s 1199, as well as local community organizations such as Citizen Action NY, Coalition for the Homeless and Community Voices Heard. The ?May 12 Coalition,? which turned out thousands of protesters on the appointed day, presented the Bloomberg administration with a proposal that exhibited great thoughtfulness in its rigor and detail, asking banks like JPMorgan, Bank of America, and Morgan Stanley? to take a 20 percent cut in their contracts to handle functions like child support disbursements or income tax remittances for the city. This would have saved $120 million, part of $1.5 billion that could have been extracted from the banking sector to prevent the city from having to slash education and social services, according to the coalition.?

The May 12 marchers were many things the OWS protesters are not. They were orderly; they truly represented ordinary New Yorkers. They were concrete: they had a plan. But needless to say, the Bloomberg administration did not immediately recognize their plan?s superior logic and fairness and adopt it as a new template. In fact, it received no attention in the wake of the march. It was such a non-starter that the city didn?t even bother to respond to it. And the media snoozed.?

Or consider another very well thought out mass action in the age of Obama: the ?One Nation Working Together for Jobs, Justice and Education? mobilization, which brought throngs of protesters to Washington, DC on October 2, 2010. Garnering a turnout organizers estimated at 175,000, the march won endorsements from 400 groups including all the major national unions, the NAACP, environmental organizations, gay groups, and progressive religious forces. Organizers were explicit that their goal was to fire up the liberal base and showcase the diversity of the progressive movement. They also came brandishing a plethora of proposals. Wade Henderson, president of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, told the Washington Post, "The truth is there is a lot of focus on the march itself, but a march without a plan of action . . . is simply a one-day event. What this is about is using this march as a launching pad for policy change." Shortly thereafter, of course, would come the devastating midterm elections, and President Obama?s cave on the Bush tax cut extension. In terms of media impact, ?One Nation? was almost entirely eclipsed by both Glenn Beck?s rage fest a month prior and Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert?s jokey ?Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear? later the same month.

Of course, we need policy ideas. And the progressive groups that have staged previous rallies?like the ones that are sponsoring the ?American Dream Movement? spearheaded by Van Jones, convening in Washington, DC at this moment?are the crucial building blocks of the coalitions necessary to make long-term campaigns around real policy proposals work.

But sometimes, you also need a spark. ?Occupy Wall Street,? as an idea, and an action, is a stroke of brilliance. It?s not poll-tested or focus grouped, but it expresses perfectly the outrage that is the appropriate response to the maddening political situation we find ourselves in today. It succeeds as symbolic politics: taking back the square is just what we need to do. And it?s wonderful that unions and community groups that have been working in the trenches will be linking arms with the denizens of OWS this Wednesday.

Maybe this will go nowhere too. The odds are against it, after all. But what do we have to lose? We have to try something new.

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Sunday 2 October 2011

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Saturday 1 October 2011

Players, owners arrive for crucial NBA meetings

Miami Heat's LeBron James arrives for a meeting with National Basketball Association, on Friday, Sept. 30, 2011 in New York. The owners' labor relations committee and the union's executive committee are meeting. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

Miami Heat's LeBron James arrives for a meeting with National Basketball Association, on Friday, Sept. 30, 2011 in New York. The owners' labor relations committee and the union's executive committee are meeting. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

New York Knicks' Carmelo Anthony arrives for a meeting with the NBA's owners' labor relations committee and the players' union's executive committee on Friday, Sept. 30, 2011 in New York. AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

NEW YORK ? LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony, Kevin Durant and other NBA players have arrived for meetings with owners that could determine if the season starts on time.

The sides will meet Friday and are prepared to talk through the weekend. Commissioner David Stern has said there must be progress toward a new labor deal this weekend or there will be "enormous consequences." The regular season is scheduled to begin Nov. 1.

Owners locked out players on July 1 and the sides continue to spar over the division of revenues and salary cap system.

Both sides have said they aren't close to a deal yet. They have been talking in small groups but summoned their full bargaining committees back for Friday's meeting.

Associated Press


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