Thursday 29 September 2011

US military deaths in Iraq war at 4,477 (AP)

As of Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2011, at least 4,477 members of the U.S. military had died in the Iraq war since it began in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count.

The figure includes nine military civilians killed in action.

At least 3,525 military personnel died as a result of hostile action, according to the military's numbers.

The AP count is four fewer than the Defense Department's tally, last updated Tuesday at 10 a.m. EDT.

Since the start of U.S. military operations in Iraq, 32,195 U.S. service members have been wounded in hostile action, according to the Defense Department's weekly tally.


The latest identifications reported by the military:

_Sgt. Andy C. Morales, 32, of Longwood, Fla.; died Sept. 22 in Baghdad, Iraq; assigned to the 143rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), Orlando, Fla.

_Staff Sgt. Estevan Altamirano, 30, of Edcouch, Texas; died Sep. 18 in Tikrit, Iraq, of injuries suffered in a noncombat-related incident; assigned to the 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas.




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Baby Joseph: Canadian 'Right to Life' Toddler Dies - Urban ...

In this Feb. 21, 2011 photo, Joseph Maraachli is shown at the Lamplighter Inn in London, Ontario, Canada. on February 21, 2011. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Craig Glover)

A Canadian boy whose family's struggle to keep him alive despite overwhelming odds spurred an international end-of-life debate has died about four months before his second birthday, a family spokesman said Wednesday.

Joseph Maraachli, who became widely known as Baby Joseph, died Tuesday afternoon, according to Brother Paul O'Donnell of St. Paul, Minnesota, the family's spokesman and spiritual adviser. He was 20 months old.

Joseph suffered from the progressive neurological disease Leigh Syndrome. O'Donnell said Joseph's father, Moe, told him the baby died at home surrounded by his family. He said it was likely that the child died of complications related to his disease but that the cause of death has yet to be announced.

"The family is very distraught but grateful they had this time with their son," O'Donnell said.

Earlier this year, doctors at London Health Sciences Centre in Joseph's native Ontario refused to perform a tracheotomy to extend his life, saying it was futile because the disease was terminal. An Ontario court decided doctors could remove the child's breathing tube.

His family sought help from American hospitals. Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital in St. Louis agreed to treat Joseph, and he was brought to St. Louis in March. He spent one month at Cardinal Glennon.

"All they were really asking for was to bring their son home, and let God decide when and if he should die, not the doctors," O'Donnell said.

A private family graveside service was planned for Wednesday and public service is possible at a later date, O'Donnell said.

The Rev. Frank Pavone, director of New York-based Priests for Life, the anti-abortion and anti-euthanasia organization that flew Baby Joseph to St. Louis, said the child and his parents "fulfilled a special mission from God." Pavone said the parents "wanted to fulfill their calling to love their child unconditionally and to protect him from those who considered his life worthless."

A spokeswoman for Cardinal Glennon said the hospital did not immediately have comment. Messages left with London Health Sciences Centre were not returned.

Joseph's story drew international attention after doctors in Canada determined that he was in a permanent vegetative state and his condition was deteriorating.

When those doctors decided to take him off of assisted breathing, Joseph's parents, who lost an 18-month-old child to the same disease eight years ago, challenged the hospital's finding in court but lost. They also began a social media campaign on their son's behalf.

The "Save Baby Joseph" Facebook page, which has more than 14,000 "likes," had several messages of condolences on Wednesday.

Maraachli and his wife, Sana Nader, contended that removing their son's breathing tube would cause him to suffocate and cause him undue suffering, and they sought to compel doctors to give Joseph a tracheotomy that would allow him to breathe through a tube inserted into his throat.

Eventually, Cardinal Glennon agreed to take Joseph, and he seemed to make progress. When the child was released from the hospital in April, O'Donnell said the family was "overjoyed." Doctors performed a tracheotomy that provided Joseph with increased mobility and comfort.

At the time, they said the tracheotomy could extend his life by up to six months -- as they say it did for their other child who died -- and that it would allow him to die at home.

That proved to be the case. Joseph died six months after the procedure in St. Louis, and he died at the family's Ontario apartment.

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke said Leigh Syndrome, also known as Leigh's Disease, is a rare inherited neurometabolic disorder that affects the central nervous system. It typically begins before the age of 2 years.

SOURCE: The Associated Press

Jim Salter


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Wednesday 28 September 2011

93% Drive

All Critics (188) | Top Critics (38) | Fresh (174) | Rotten (14) | DVD (2)

In grabbing our attention, [Refn] diverts it from what matters. The horror lingers and seeps; the feelings are sponged away.

The extreme and escalating violence will prove off-putting to some-frankly, I'm surprised not to have been among them-but for the rest, Drive is a needle-punch of adrenaline to the aorta.

In reworking genres without quoting shamelessly, Refn proves himself his own man and a guy quite capable of taking us places we didn't even know we wanted to go.

Drive is pedal-to-the-metal stuff. Don't get behind the wheel unless you can take the rush.

This is no antic-frantic affair; instead, it's a cerebral game of stop-and-go, hide-and-seek, as the director behind the camera handles things exactly like the guy behind the wheel - with a stylish mixture of cold calculation and cool aplomb.

The pace of this film is a beautiful thing to behold, as Drive is a patient but taut thriller.

High-octane excitement for the art-house set ... Think 'Two-Lane Blacktop' meets Kubrick's 'The Killing' meets Bresson ... Gosling's King of Cool may be the new McQueen.

Like the novels of Raymond Chandler and the paintings of David Hockney, Drive is both an accurate view of southern California's intoxicating sleaze and glamour and the filtering of it through a European sensibility.

A film that moves relentlessly forward, carrying you along so completely that it's only afterwards, if at all, that you begin to wonder about origins and plausibilities.

In proving that less is more, Rifn has sent out a message to Hollywood in this age of austerity.

Like watching rats fight in a gorgeously lit bucket, this is compellingly nasty, but for those with stomach for it, Drive is a lot of fun.

An artful, impressively made film, and one sure to excite cinephiles, everyday adrenaline junkies, and fans of stylized car chases set to an indie synthpop soundtrack.

An unusually upscale, and surprisingly satisfying, action film.

The tension is agonising... then rubber burns, the engine revs and we hold on tight. For the next 90 minutes, we don't let go.

Hold on tight and prepare for the ride of your life.

Winding Refn steals with such intelligence and thoughtfulness that there is a boldness and creativity to the film even though hardly a single moment of it is "original" in any way.

Gosling gives a laconic, sexy, quietly charming performance evocative of Steve McQueen, as a Hollywood stuntman who moonlights as a getaway driver.

Weighted with steely silences and sudden explosions of graphic violence, Drive confronts and dismantles our expectations with a hardened confidence that is all too rare in contemporary Hollywood filmmaking

A juggernaut of emotion that tentatively and unknowingly builds up speed then knocks you for six with some uncompromising and ultra-violent scenes.

Drive is a masterpiece of surface over depth. Catnip for anyone who thinks cinema is for the eye rather than the brain or heart.

Even when the screen goes berserk - a face splintering under a stamping heel, a master-crook attacking a defenceless colleague's features with a knife and fork - director Refn doesn't blink or expect us to.

By no means perfect, although it's hard to process the flaws while your insides are singing and you can't catch your breath.

Gosling exudes Steve McQueen-esque cool but there's not enough going on under the bonnets of these characters to justify the laboured, pretentious execution.

Drive is a movie with power but is still directionless; the acceleration is great, but the steering needs looking at.

Stylishly directed and superbly written, this is an achingly cool, pulse-pounding thriller with a terrific central performance from Ryan Gosling. Great soundtrack too.

More Critic Reviews


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Learn the Definition Of Internet Marketing | Online Dating For All

Definition Of Internet Marketing ? What Is The Definition Of Internet Marketing?

Not so long ago in a few year back, everybody was spreading words continuously around online businesses. So what in particular is the terminology Definition of Sugar Daddy of internet marketing and online business? As straightforward as engineering a web-page or website and sending emails to a couple of people relative to it? To be accurate, that is not necessarily the case. Up to this time, the explanation of what describes online business have not been precisely set, however there are little points people would establish.

The basics of internet marketing fundamentals

Understand this, it?s not every time fundamental construct a website to run an online business. Somehow it is beneficial having it, and many more potential shopper you will attain. Nevertheless, you can compose and cast out your emails, engage in forums discussions, and chat rooms to advertise your products and services apart from building a website. Lets get into more Definition of Sugar Daddy of internet marketing.

It is an important perspective of online business that is not exactly recommended, against what your in-box would probably display, is spam. However, sending emails to your potential customers regarding your products is a great marketing idea, though if the receiver is not interested to have information on products you are trying to market, they could just brand your email as spam. You must identify the recipient if they truly wish to receive emails from you before you forward it. Or spam the right way.

How do I spam the right way?

A well-know favorite method of pull people into visiting your website is to visit other people?s blogs and leave your comments. But before leaving their blog, remember to add in a link of your website at the end of your post. Considering you?re genuinely sending feedback to the blog post, it?s not truly a spam. Furthermore, you?re posting a feedback generally only to acquire your website address on the blog. So that is how you spam the right way.

So the Definition of Sugar Daddy of internet marketing is spamming?

This is somewhat difficult to define. You have to acknowledge that delivering emails in bulks to customers who disregard your offerings is a waste of time and useless, however interacting on forums and blogs invites targeted customers to your website.

How do I get more people to look for what I have to offer?

A further agreeable system of online business occupies within the social networking sites like Facebook or Myspace or even Youtube. Introducing your products or services on social networking sites can pull in thousands of targeted potential clients because they hold on to millions of members. This is another important Definition of Sugar Daddy of internet marketing. But, it is an unpleasant spamming that somewhat isn?t welcoming when it comes to inviting people to your friends list. That?s the only way to get your name out there in the social networking group.

The most important thing in online business is that let known your name and website, if you decide to build one, known by people online, however not in a harassing manner.

Essentially in internet business, one principle to keep in mind is to target you customers and offer it to them. For example if you?re promoting a weight loss product, you probably shouldn?t send a befriend request to a person who says they are only skins and bones. Above all, ?don?t spam? is more likely to be possibly the best Definition of Sugar Daddy of internet marketing.

Find out more Definition of Sugar Daddy of internet marketing or learn the secret of a successful internet marketer by going here.

Erol Mury


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Tuesday 27 September 2011

Top Pakistan army commanders meet after US claims

Pakistani protesters burn representations of US and Indian flags at an anti-American rally in Multan, Pakistan on Friday, Sept 23, 2011. Pakistan lashed out at the U.S. for accusing the country's most powerful intelligence agency of supporting extremist attacks against American targets in Afghanistan _ the most serious allegations against Islamabad since the beginning of the Afghan war. (AP Photo/Khalid Tanveer)

Pakistani protesters burn representations of US and Indian flags at an anti-American rally in Multan, Pakistan on Friday, Sept 23, 2011. Pakistan lashed out at the U.S. for accusing the country's most powerful intelligence agency of supporting extremist attacks against American targets in Afghanistan _ the most serious allegations against Islamabad since the beginning of the Afghan war. (AP Photo/Khalid Tanveer)

(AP) ? Pakistan's army chief will convene a special meeting of senior commanders Sunday following U.S. allegations that the military's spy agency helped militants attack American targets in Afghanistan, the army said.

Senior Pakistani officials have lashed out against the allegations of support for the Haqqani militant network, accusing the U.S. of trying to make Pakistan a scapegoat for its troubled war in Afghanistan. The public spat has plunged the troubled U.S.-Pakistan alliance to new lows.

Pakistan's leaders have shown no indication that they plan to act on renewed American demands to attack the Haqqani network in their main base in Pakistan, even at the risk of further conflict with Washington, which has given the country billions of dollars in military and economic aid.

The top U.S. military officer, Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, accused Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency Thursday of supporting Haqqani insurgents in planning and executing a 22-hour assault on the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan on Sept. 13 and a truck bomb that wounded 77 American soldiers days earlier.

Kayani, widely considered the most powerful man in Pakistan, has dismissed the allegations, saying the charges were baseless and part of a public "blame game" detrimental to peace in Afghanistan.

Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani also slapped down the accusations in a statement issued late Saturday.

"We strongly reject assertions of complicity with the Haqqanis or of proxy war," said Gilani in a written statement. "The allegations betray a confusion and policy disarray within the U.S. establishment on the way forward in Afghanistan.

Pakistan claimed to have severed its ties with Afghan militants after the 9/11 attacks and supported America's campaign in Afghanistan, but U.S. officials have long suspected it maintained links. Mullen's comments were the most serious yet accusing Pakistan of militant ties, although he didn't cite any specific evidence.

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has implied that American forces could even carry out unilateral raids inside Pakistan against the Haqqani network, operations that could have explosive implications in Pakistan where anti-American sentiment is widespread.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar warned the U.S. on Saturday against sending American troops into Pakistan, saying there are red lines and rules of engagement that should not be broken.

"It opens all kinds of doors and all kinds of options," she told Pakistan's private Aaj News TV from New York. The comment was in response to a question about the possibility of U.S. troops coming to Pakistan.

Despite the seriousness of the U.S. claims, which appear to accuse Pakistan of state-sponsored terrorism, Mullen, like other U.S. officials, has said Washington needs to keep engaging with Islamabad, a reflection of its limited options in dealing with the nuclear-armed state.

Around half of the U.S. war supplies to Afghanistan are trucked over Pakistani soil, and even as it accuses Islamabad of complicity with Afghan insurgents, Washington knows that it will likely need Islamabad's cooperation in bringing them to the negotiating table.

Gilani also called for greater cooperation.

"Let's avoid mutual recrimination and recommit ourselves to working together for eliminating terrorism and for reconciliation and peace in Afghanistan," he said.


Associated Press writer Chris Brummitt contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Saturday 17 September 2011

Women's Wellness Health and Fitness Fair - La Grange, IL - La ...

With the school year back in swing, women are invited to the Women?s Wellness Health and Fitness Fair at Waiola Park starting at 9 a.m. Friday.

More than 30 local health and wellness businesses will present at the event, including representatives from local health clubs, boot camps, personal training, physical therapists and much more.

Visitors can stop by booths to gather information, watch demonstrations, participate in free lessons and receive prizes.

In addition, every participating business is donating items or gift certificates for a raffle. When a woman visits each sponsor?s booth, she will be given a ticket that?s entered into the raffle. A winner is announced every half hour.

?Moms spend the majority of their time taking care of everybody else and they run out of time when it comes to themselves,? said Kathi Mungo, owner of and co-sponsor of the event. ?We wanted to provide an easy and fun way for moms to get information about products and services that will make them feel better, have more energy, improve their health and ultimately live longer."

For more information about the event and a complete list of participants, click here.

In inclement weather, the event will be moved to the Park District of La Grange Recreation Center located at 536 East Ave.


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Friday 16 September 2011

Tree resin captures evolution of feathers on dinosaurs and birds

ScienceDaily (Sep. 15, 2011) ? Secrets from the age of the dinosaurs are usually revealed by fossilized bones, but a University of Alberta research team has turned up a treasure trove of Cretaceous feathers trapped in tree resin. The resin turned to resilient amber, preserving some 80 million-year-old protofeathers, possibly from non-avian dinosaurs, as well as plumage that is very similar to modern birds, including those that can swim under water.

U of A paleontology graduate student Ryan McKellar discovered a wide range of feathers among the vast amber collections at the Royal Tyrrell Museum in southern Alberta. This material stems from Canada's most famous amber deposit, near Grassy Lake in southwestern Alberta.

The discovery of the 11 feather specimens is described as the richest amber feather find from the late Cretaceous period. The amber preserves microscopic detail of the feathers and even their pigment or colour. McKellar describes the colours as typically ranging from brown to black.

No dinosaur or avian fossils were found in direct association with the amber feather specimens, but McKellar says comparison between the amber and fossilized feathers found in rock strongly suggest that some of the Grassy Lake specimens are from dinosaurs. The non-avian dinosaur evidence points to small theropods as the source of the feathers.

Some of the feather specimens with modern features are very similar to those of modern birds like the Grebe, which are able to swim underwater. The feathers can take on water giving the bird the ballast required to dive more effectively.

McKellar says the Grassy Lake find demonstrates that numerous evolutionary stages of feathers were present in the late Cretaceous period and that plumage served a range of functions in both dinosaurs and birds.

The U of A team's research was published September 15, in the journal Science.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by University of Alberta, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Journal Reference:

  1. Ryan C. Mckellar, Brian D. E. Chatterton, Alexander P. Wolfe, Philip J. Currie. A Diverse Assemblage of Late Cretaceous Dinosaur and Bird Feathers from Canadian Amber. Science, September 15, 2011 DOI: 10.1126/science.1203344

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Thursday 15 September 2011

Intel Claims Next Chip Will Run Your Laptop For 24 Hours On One Battery Charge [PCs]

I can't wait for 2013. That's the year where Intel's Haswell architecture arrives, bringing three very important things. One, the ability to run your laptop for 24 hours on one charge. Heaven. Two, 10 days on "connected standby." More »


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Wednesday 14 September 2011

Articles On Programming? Blog Archive ? Ways To Learn Computer ...

Articles On Programming? Blog Archive ? Ways To Learn Computer Programming In Nano

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Ways To Learn Computer Programming In Nano

By: zafi

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google_ad_height = 90;

? AD END ?>
Today?s digital technology gives birth to a host of programming languages. And there are several programming languages being used in different applications such as the web, Windows, Apple, and Unix. And right now, computer programming in Nano is one of the newest developments.
It was believed that a Nano mechanical computer could run a million times faster than a microprocessor-based computer. This is because that one out of the million components of a computer is made of mechanical space. Therefore, if a programming language is patterned on the mechanical space a computer has, it will follow that the computer will work faster.
But then again, engineers would have to create an entirely new line of computer systems. Computers that are more energy efficient and consumers lesser space is the ones that would work well with a Nano computer language.
However, the Nano computer language is believed to work well with the present day computers systems as well. The primary use of this programming language is on graphics. With the Nano-X graphics system you could create much fancier graphical programs. To make it work, you have to specifically create the program with the Windows, Unix, or Macintosh interface in mind.
The Nano computer language primarily came from the nano technology. Nano technology refers from the fields of applied science that control matter on its molecular and atomic scale. The technology can be used in materials science, applied physics, and of course, computer programming.
Japan is one of the pioneers of nano technology and nano programming. In fact, they are very active in holding symposiums and conventions on both professional nano technologies and aspiring young scientists. They are constantly looking for new ideas and concepts surrounding the nano technology and the improvements on the nano computer language.
Right now, the interest in learning and improving computer programming in nano is spreading to Asian countries like Vietnam, South Korea, and in Europe, France. The demand for different applications in nano computer programming is increasing, causing increased users and clients base.
The nano program is basically very easy to learn and to apply. Texts can be typed immediately into the interface. It is also quite simple to insert text into the program with the use of some editing configuration. There is also the nano editor software that you can use with the main program base so that saving, cutting, pasting, and searching becomes fairly straightforward.
Currently, there are a lot of instructions software and basic instructional kits for use of those who want to learn computer programming in nano. Since nano is being one of the more popular languages today, this software is being applied in almost all newer applications.
All programming professionals are challenged to learn this new technology. With the basic knowledge you have for computer languages, learning the nano language won?t be much of a trouble. The basic principles of the program resemble the other well-used popular programming languages. The more complex uses and functions of the nano programming language are unique from all others. But that is always a part of learning a whole new programming language.
Learn more about computer programming in nano by searching relevant instructional web sites as well as from different offline sources. The nano programming language is a good language to learn as it is expected to improve over time.


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  5. Need Programming Language Evolution

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Articles On Programming? Blog Archive ? Ways To Learn Computer Programming In Nano

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Ways To Learn Computer Programming In Nano

By: zafi

google_ad_client = ?pub-8642343895325952?;
/* 728?90, created 10/23/10 */
google_ad_slot = ?0171271209?;
google_ad_width = 728;
google_ad_height = 90;

? AD END ?>
Today?s digital technology gives birth to a host of programming languages. And there are several programming languages being used in different applications such as the web, Windows, Apple, and Unix. And right now, computer programming in Nano is one of the newest developments.
It was believed that a Nano mechanical computer could run a million times faster than a microprocessor-based computer. This is because that one out of the million components of a computer is made of mechanical space. Therefore, if a programming language is patterned on the mechanical space a computer has, it will follow that the computer will work faster.
But then again, engineers would have to create an entirely new line of computer systems. Computers that are more energy efficient and consumers lesser space is the ones that would work well with a Nano computer language.
However, the Nano computer language is believed to work well with the present day computers systems as well. The primary use of this programming language is on graphics. With the Nano-X graphics system you could create much fancier graphical programs. To make it work, you have to specifically create the program with the Windows, Unix, or Macintosh interface in mind.
The Nano computer language primarily came from the nano technology. Nano technology refers from the fields of applied science that control matter on its molecular and atomic scale. The technology can be used in materials science, applied physics, and of course, computer programming.
Japan is one of the pioneers of nano technology and nano programming. In fact, they are very active in holding symposiums and conventions on both professional nano technologies and aspiring young scientists. They are constantly looking for new ideas and concepts surrounding the nano technology and the improvements on the nano computer language.
Right now, the interest in learning and improving computer programming in nano is spreading to Asian countries like Vietnam, South Korea, and in Europe, France. The demand for different applications in nano computer programming is increasing, causing increased users and clients base.
The nano program is basically very easy to learn and to apply. Texts can be typed immediately into the interface. It is also quite simple to insert text into the program with the use of some editing configuration. There is also the nano editor software that you can use with the main program base so that saving, cutting, pasting, and searching becomes fairly straightforward.
Currently, there are a lot of instructions software and basic instructional kits for use of those who want to learn computer programming in nano. Since nano is being one of the more popular languages today, this software is being applied in almost all newer applications.
All programming professionals are challenged to learn this new technology. With the basic knowledge you have for computer languages, learning the nano language won?t be much of a trouble. The basic principles of the program resemble the other well-used popular programming languages. The more complex uses and functions of the nano programming language are unique from all others. But that is always a part of learning a whole new programming language.
Learn more about computer programming in nano by searching relevant instructional web sites as well as from different offline sources. The nano programming language is a good language to learn as it is expected to improve over time.


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Courtroom dogs comforting witnesses spark debate (Reuters)

HUDSON, New York (Reuters) ? Simon is only three years old but already an indispensable staffer at his office, where he has displayed a knack for helping abused children navigate an intimidating legal system.

He is also a lean, jet-black Labrador retriever.

Simon's job is to comfort children testifying or being interviewed in court cases, a normally stressful environment.

Diane Silman, Simon's boss as the head of the Ozark Foothills Child Advocacy Center in southern Missouri, said Simon has helped more than 300 children brave pretrial interviews and accompanies them to court when necessary.

"A four-year-old once remained engaged in an interview for about an hour, which is pretty amazing," Silman said.

Dogs have been used to comfort victims and witnesses -- particularly children -- in and out of the courtroom for more than 20 years, and the practice has become relatively common in a handful of states over the last decade.

Until recently, courtroom dogs faced little more than preliminary objections from defense attorneys.

But earlier this summer, a New York lawyer became the first in the nation to appeal his client's conviction of raping and impregnating a 15-year-old girl because a dog was used to comfort her during her testimony at trial.

The girl testified with the aid of Rosie, a golden retriever who has worked with emotionally troubled children for years but was only recently recruited into the legal system.

Steven Levine, the lawyer who filed the appeal, said that the use of the dogs can affect testimony.

"The stress witnesses feel when they have to testify at trial tends to undo falsehoods," said Levine, a public defender in Poughkeepsie, New York. "Removing the stress deprives the defendant of a fair trial."

The judge's decision in the case, in which the alleged victim is the accused's daughter, will likely affect the courtroom use of the dogs nationwide.

Levine, several experts said, is the first attorney in the nation to appeal a conviction on the grounds that so-called comfort dogs could subconsciously sway juries and judges.

Their mere presence, Levine said, could imply to a juror that a witness is telling the truth "because you don't need to be comforted when you're giving false testimony."

But one of the early pioneers of using comfort dogs said Levine is "grasping at straws."

"The dog is not giving the witness the answers," said Andrew Vachss, an attorney who exclusively represents children.

He and his wife Alice, former head of the Queens District Attorney's sex crimes unit, first began using a dog to comfort traumatized children during interviews by prosecutors in 1987.

Vachss later donated a German shepherd to a Mississippi advocacy group and in 1992, that dog became the first in the nation allowed in a courtroom to comfort a witness.

In the case now under appeal, Vachss said he is confident the court will side with advocates of courtroom dogs, setting an important precedent.

There has been little controversy over courtroom dogs in states where the practice is more common than in New York.

In fact, Ramona Brandes, a public defender in Seattle, recalled a judge who wanted a dog present during a homicide trial to comfort everybody -- particularly the defendant, who Brandes said was disruptive but had a particular affinity for dogs.

Ultimately, the prosecutor rejected the judge's proposal.

Many nonprofit groups that provide dogs for legal proceedings take steps to ensure the animals are not disruptive in court.

"Generally we recommend they not be cute and cuddly and sit on the witness' lap," said Ellen O'Neill-Stephens, a Seattle prosecutor and founder of the advocacy group Courthouse Dogs.

The policy at Florida Four Legged Advocates is that dogs never join witnesses on the stand and stay out of the jury's line of sight.

"My priority is the child, and I would never want to do anything that puts a case in jeopardy," said FLA founder Andrea Cardona, whose dog Squiggly, a mixed golden retriever and yellow Labrador retriever, has worked on dozens of cases.

But Levine and lawyer David Martin, who represent the accused rapist, argue judges are creating law by allowing dogs in their courtrooms -- decisions better left to state lawmakers.

"If you want to use these dogs, go to your legislature, hold public hearings and then determine what's in the best interest of all the parties concerned," Martin said.

Levine said he does not expect a ruling on the appeal until next year at the earliest.


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Tuesday 13 September 2011

Britain braced for severe storms (AP)

LONDON ? Britain's weather agency says the tail end of former Hurricane Katia could bring the worst storms to hit the country in 15 years.

Britain's Met Office said post Tropical Storm Katia would hit parts of Northern Ireland, North Wales, Northern England and parts of Scotland on Monday. It said the storms could be the worst to hit Britain since 1996 when the aftermath of Hurricane Lili brought winds of 90 mph (145 kph) to the country.

It warned that the high winds could uproot trees and flood areas near the coast.

Katia is the second major hurricane of the 2011 Atlantic hurricane season and was rated as a category four hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale at its peak. It was downgraded to a storm as it moved over the Atlantic.


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Monday 12 September 2011

Library Intelligencer ? Profiles of the ... - University of Melbourne Blogs

This report looks closely at how ten North American colleges have deployed cloud computing solutions. Colleges profiled include: the Yale School of Management, Remington College, the University of Washington, the City University of New York, Westmont College, the University of Utah, Hofstra University, Abilene Christian University, St. Edward?s University and Fresno Pacific University. Some systems discussed include Gmail and Google Docs, GoogleApps Education Edition, MozyPro,?, MicrosoftLive, Rackspace and others. The study is based on detailed interviews with information technology directors and others who offer a nuanced look at their experiences, along with advice for their peers.

The report helps information technology and other administrative personnel to answer questions such as: What kind of cloud computing solutions are American colleges using? How much do they spend to develop and implement them? How much do they save vis a vis their prior solutions? How do they deal with data security concerns? What has been the college experience with free services offered by Google, Microsoft and other? How have cloud computing solutions been rolled out and marketed? How good is customer support? How have they been received by end users?

The 56-page report is available from Primary Research Group or from major book distributors. The cost is $95; the pdf version is currently available and the print version will be ready to print on September 21, 2011.


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CBO Fields Winners, Losers in Obama Refinance Program | REAL ...



September 9, 2011 | Leave a Comment

09/08/2011 By: Ryan Schuette


Speaking before a joint session of Congress Thursday evening, President Barack Obama unveiled a $447 billion jobs bill ? and plans to allow millions of eligible homeowners to refinance their mortgages at current rates, a staggering measure that White House officials hope will lift home prices from squalor and pad the empty pockets of American families. A Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report walked a strictly nonpartisan line by dispelling the hype and criticism with both good and bad news.

The refinance initiative snagged a few lines toward the end of his prime time address, following an outline heavy with references to infrastructure programs, tax incentives for small businesses, reform aimed at the tax code, and more.

But even those few lines shook the industry.

Pledging help for ?responsible homeowners,? Obama confirmed a slew of reports by saying that the White House will ?work with federal housing agencies to help more people refinance their mortgages? at current interest rates.

The president added that the refinance proposal would prop up American families to the tune of $2,000 a year, giving ?a lift to an economy still burdened by the drop in housing prices? in the process.

Despite high-flying rhetoric from either side of the aisle, the CBO released a report clarifying the gains to be had from a major refinance program under the Obama administration. A model used by the federal agency revealed that borrowers could reduce their mortgage payments by approximately $7.4 billion, netting about $2,600 in savings per homeowner.

The report also offered up clear winners and probable losers in unmistakable terms.

The winners? Mortgage borrowers suddenly able to refinance their loans at current rates and government entities like the GSEs and Federal Housing Administration, which back over $11 trillion in federally insured loans, according to the CBO.

That means struggling homeowners could reap a bevy of benefits from mortgage rates, which and Freddie Mac found setting record lows Thursday at 4.35 percent and 4.12 percent, respectively, for benchmark 30-year fixed-rate mortgages.

The rates continue a slump unlikely to stop, as investors fleeing euro zone markets buy up more Treasury debt, spreading yields, against which the industry benchmarks rates, in the process.

The losers? Investors in mortgage-backed securities, lenders, servicers, and mortgage insurers could all see their losses eclipse any benefits.

A swath of investors with stakes in federally insured mortgage-backed securities ? financial institutions, overseas investors, state and local governments, among others ? could see their pockets empty if the bill passes. The CBO fixed losses for non-federal investors at anywhere between $13 billion and $15 billion as more homeowners refinance their government-backed mortgages.

Unable to slice and dice the specifics without a look at the legislation, the CBO simply added a rough forecast for lenders, servicers, and other institutions that would lose their existing obligations and warranties with mortgage borrowers that opt to refinance.

Market conditions could also derail any attempts by homeowners to refinance their mortgages en masse, the CBO said. REO-laden financial institutions still struggling with low loan volume could lack the wherewithal to meet overwhelming demand.

The federal agency further highlighted the role played by servicers and lien holders, which may not make the same concessions as the FHA or GSEs.

All these potential stumbling blocks aside, a refinance initiative under the Obama administration would need to jump another hurdle: the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA).

Writing for the Washington Post, columnist Ezra Klein underscored the part played by FHFA acting director Edward DeMarco, a Bush administration holdover who would likely oppose the initiative, along with Republican lawmakers from both chambers, he said.

The refinance initiative confirms reports by multiple news outlets that the Obama administration planned to float the idea. It was unclear Thursday how much the White House pulled from a widely reported proposal by two Columbia Business School professors, who had originally urged officials to adopt a massive expansion in refinancing activity as a way to encourage the economic recovery.

In his speech, the president said he planned to deliver the highly anticipated bill to Congress in 10 days.


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Sunday 11 September 2011

T.I.: Still Imprisoned Because of Reality Show

Woe is T.I.

Justifiably or not, the reality show the rapper was filming totally got him hauled back to prison. Officials believed he had people from the show on the bus that took him to his halfway house - a big no-no, according to official documents.

If you're not familiar with the story, here's what went down:

Nice T.I. Picture

T.I. was released from prison August 31, under specific instructions to be transported to a halfway house to serve the remaining 30 days of his sentence.

The rapper was/is serving 11 months for violating probation in his federal weapons case, after he was pulled over and police found drugs on him last fall.

It was stipulated that he could ONLY travel with his wife Tameka "Tiny" Cottle, and was not allowed to conduct business en route to the halfway house.

But prison officials say T.I. also had his manager, along with two VH1 producers on board, chatting about his reality show as well as a book. Not kosher.

The VH1 producers and T.I.'s manager have submitted letters claiming they were not conducting business on the road, but prison officials didn't buy it.

Officials were also livid about the rapper's mode of transportation - a pimp ass tour bus ride - and claim that he did not disclose this prior to departing.

However, new photos show him accompanied by a prison guard as he made his way to the bus that carried him and his entourage to the halfway house.

T.I.'s legal team believes prison officials targeted T.I. when they picked him up at the halfway house and hauled him back to prison on baseless grounds.

His attorneys believe prison officials have trumped up other reasons to justify sending T.I. back, such as who was on board and the reality show plans.

Team T.I. claims he had a two-minute, casual conversation with the prison staff months before his release, and that's when he said Tiny would be there.

He never even considered who else might be there at the time, so his lawyers feel it's absurd to hold him accountable for that now. Stay tuned ...


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Saturday 10 September 2011

World cancer generic pharmaceutical market to ... - My Company PR

The new report ?Cancer Generics Market Analysis? sates that the world cancer generics market is predicted to grow 27% yearly to 2014. Market increases will be boosted by future anti-cancer blockbuster drugs patent expirations and the growing pharmaceutical bill that will support payers to deal with the barriers to generics access in order to control costs. Oncology drugs valuing US$10 Billion are to lose patent rights in theUSby 2011. As the governments and private players have stepped into the industry across various geographical locations, the future prospects of the market shows vast opportunities to tap on.

The 80 page study on the industry indicates that the world cancer generics drugs industry has seen a number of product launches and mergers & acquisitions in the past few years. The main focus of the companies has been to launch successful and quality products in the market in order to gain worldwide acceptance. With new markets and new products for generics manufacturers within the cancer market, it is anticipated that a harsh environment for companies focusing on novel cancer treatments is about to come. However, within the cancer market, there remains a high level of unmet need, and novel products demonstrating improved clinical attributes to any degree that would be expected to capture the market share from older generic drugs.

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> Breast cancer therapy: 10 products to dominate market by 2017 says new report
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> UK private healthcare market to grow 3.4% hitting ?35.9bn by 2015

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Thursday 8 September 2011

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If you want to make huge amount of money in forex market and don?t know where to start, I will give you some tips to speed up this process.

You don?t need to spend all your life analyzing different information and learning hard techniques and strategies.

I know how to do it right, bet let?s begin just form the start.

About 5 years back I graduate University and was working as mechanical engineer in one big company.

Everything was just fine, steady income, good boss, but something inside of me was telling that I am not happy enough.

I wanted to be a free man, have a lot of money and don?t work like a slave.

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Yes that?s right; this is what happened to me.

I was so frustrated and depressed.

I never told to my wife about that.

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This is the life I had and the secret I kept from my wife until one day.

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